Close a Window: Alt + Spacebar (opens Window menu) + C
Close a Window: Alt + Spacebar (opens Window menu) + C
Screenshot: Take a screenshot of the entire screen. Windows + Prtsc
Snip: Capture a portion of the screen. Windows + Shift + 3
Switch between open apps: Alt + Tab
Help: F1 will open the task pane or new web page with helpful suggestions
Refresh webpage: F5 will send a request to the web server to fetch the current webpage – useful for fixing issues or seeing a change to the associated database
Other keyboard shortcut: e.g. in Outlook desktop application, Ctrl + 2 opens Calendar and Ctrl + 3 opens Contacts and Ctrl + 1 is for Mail
Tomtie is a tuition company for people who need help to become confident with their phone and computer.
Tomtie is an agency for self-employed tutors called ComputerDriving® Instructors, whom we train and support via the ‘Tomtie Tutorial Framework’