TV box

TV box – Remote control navigation: Introduction to using the remote control’s button options including those for navigation (up, down, left and right buttons or one circular button) and the confirm button (usually in the centre). Google search for the relevant guide or short video and practise simple tasks e.g. selecting a programme in the guide

TV box – Touch and voice activated control: Introduction to the remote control with touch option (similar to a trackpad), screen pointer and/or voice assistant controls e.g. Alexa. Google search for the relevant guide or short video and practise tasks e.g. muting the volume ‘Alexa, volume off’

TV box – Settings: Get to know the different areas that can be changed such as Picture and Sound. Navigate through some options to get familiar with using the remote control navigation and confirm keys

Software update – TV box: includes bug fixes, security updates, and sometimes newer features. Google search ‘manufacturer name tv software update’ e.g. lg tv software update’ follow the steps to find the option, check for updates and install.

Programmes retune – TV box: Have the full line-up of channels by retuning the TV. Either navigate to Programmes and select Retune or Google search ‘manufacturer name retune’ e.g. ‘lg tv retune’ and follow the steps