Use keyboard navigation to move focus: To navigate with the keyboard turn on in System Settings ❯ Keyboard ❯ Shortcuts ❯ ‘Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls’
Use keyboard navigation to move focus: To navigate with the keyboard turn on in System Settings ❯ Keyboard ❯ Shortcuts ❯ ‘Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls’
Keyboard navigation keys: Tab, Shift, Arrow keys, Alt, Spacebar, Enter and Esc are the main keys. The Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys are used for word processing, or moving around a large webpage or document
Navigation key actions: Use Tab to move focus, Shift + Tab to change direction, Arrow keys to move selected option, Spacebar to reveal options or expand folder content (disclosure button), Enter to action a selection (e.g. ‘Save’), Escape key ‘Esc’ is the same as clicking the ‘Cancel’ button or closing a menu without choosing an item – escape
Select individual files: Choose the first file by navigating to it with the Tab and arrow keys then press Spacebar to select it. Hold down Command key (to keep selected) and arrow key to the next file. Press Spacebar to select additional files in this way, until all individual files are selected
Select multiple adjacent files: Choose the first file by navigating to it with the Tab and arrow keys then press Spacebar to select it. Hold down Shift then arrow key to the last. All will be selected
Tomtie is a tuition company for people who need help to become confident with their phone and computer.
Tomtie is an agency for self-employed tutors called ComputerDriving® Instructors, whom we train and support via the ‘Tomtie Tutorial Framework’