View photos in Photos: Open in Photos and zoom in to see detail
View photos in Photos: Open in Photos and zoom in to see detail
Resize a photo for email in Photos: Click the three dots for More ‘…’ G489 Resize – choose Percentage and see the new size below. Click ‘Save’ and browse to the folder to save it to
Edit photos in Photos: Open the photo then click the ‘Edit image’ icon that is first on the tool bar above. Try Crop, Adjustment, Filter and Retouch. Draw with ‘Mark-up’
Print a photo in Photos: Open a photo in Photos and click File ❯ Print. The Print box will open and show the selected printer and Orientation, Copies, Paper size, Paper type, Photo size, Page Margins and Fit plus ‘More settings’. Click Print once options have been chosen
Advanced photo or video task in Photos: e.g. edit video, Favourites or Memories
Work with albums in Photos:
Add photos to an album using Favorites:
Tomtie is a tuition company for people who need help to become confident with their phone and computer.
Tomtie is an agency for self-employed tutors called ComputerDriving® Instructors, whom we train and support via the ‘Tomtie Tutorial Framework’