Advanced Mac Mail

Clean up unwanted email messages in Mail: Search for email messages from the sender whose messages you want to delete or move e.g. a retailer such as JohnLewis. Click on the first then hold down Shift and arrow key down to select the emails you want to delete then click Delete

Move email messages in Mail: Click on ‘Inbox’ folder (or another folder) and select the email you want to move, click ‘Move to’ in toolbar and either type the folder in the ‘Search for a folder’ box, click on Deleted or Junk email, create a new folder or click ‘Move to a different folder’ to reveal all the folders in your Outlook and select one

Search for an email message in Mail: Click in the search box at the top and type the name of the contact or click the filter icon for more options. Click ‘Search’ or the magnifying glass icon to search

Create or delete a folder in Mail: To add a new folder – Scroll down the left hand navigation pane to the bottom of your folders and click ‘Create a new folder’. To delete a folder, right click on it and click ‘Delete folder’

Change an email account password in Mail: Click on profile icon ❯ My Microsoft account ❯ Security ❯ Enter password to access personal information ❯ Password security ‘Change my password’ and enter the Current password then the new password twice

Advanced e.g. out-of-office response in Mail: Open Settings (click on cog icon – top right) ❯ Email ❯ Automatic replies – Turn on and add the message in the text box. Click ‘Send replies only during a time period’ as required. Check the ‘Send replies only to contacts’ and click ‘Save’